Comments Posted By Lawrence Kaplan
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We shouldn't be too surprised. When economies are ruined it’s always Democrats who do it. Then, they blame it on Republicans and everyone votes for Democrats. During the Depression it started with the Texas bankers - Democrats, and it ushered in almost two decades of Democratic power. Of course we were lucky the last time that Truman was President.

But this time when Obama destroys the rest of the economy it was be harder for Democrats to blame Republicans, as long as Palin types are around.

If anyone wants we can talk about this more It will be a little complicated and lots of myths will have to be swept aside - especially a few Conservative myths - and that hurts and makes everyone angry. I say especially Conservative myths for this reason - Conservatives must rule this country if it is to survive, and it’s too rare that Conservatives win political power. So if ruling the country is at stake we can't afford to make mistakes and we can't afford to be wrong.

Comment Posted By Lawrence Kaplan On 5.10.2008 @ 14:20

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